Sept 10 through 12, 2010
Sachem Class of 1959:
Norman, Lorrette, Ben, Ray, Larry, Eleanor
Our Sachem Girls are still the Best on the Planet!
During the Friday night "Icebreaker" portion of our Reunion, the festivities at the Holiday Inn were interrupted by a fire alarm going off!
The Hotel was evacuated and the source of the problem was determined to be the candles on a Birthday Cake. After the inspection by the Bohemia Fire Department, an "All Clear" was announced.
Most people just went back to the Bar and continued sipping their drinks;
But not our gals!
Camille Pelliccia, Pauline Millavolte, and Pat Brida still have the same fun loving spirit that they had when they were Eighteen years old! Instead of just going back into the Hotel, they decided that they wanted to take a picture with the Firemen!
I can show you some Thirty year old people that are actually Eighty!
Age is only a number, when you still have the spirit of a teenager!
Bill and Arlene Monteverde:
Dear Ben,
Arlene and I were very pleased to participate in our 50th Reunion event.I wish to extend my appreciation to You, John and Ken for giving me the opportunity to assist in planning and executing this event with you all.
Ben, what most of our classmates are probably not aware of is, while at Sachem we four hardly knew one another. But, thanks to you and your blog, and our own private icebreaker four strangers became friends. Within an hour we were 17 again and telling war stories.
Thanks to all for making this a memorable reunion.
My toast to you all:
“We are not afraid of tomorrow, fore we have seen yesterday and we love today”
Bill Monteverde
Pat M Lewis:
I had a great time. You guys did a wonderful thing. Thank you Ben, John C., Kenny
and Bill.
Thank you,
Mary Trapani (Hynes)
Thanks for posting the photos and for the captions. They're a big help. Looks like everyone had a fun time.
Mary Trapani (Hynes)
From Joan Lalla Gerson:
Hi Ben,
It was a pleasure to meet you after all of this time. Your blog has given me such joy over the years because my memories of high school were so happy. Teenagers were so carefree back then! The reunion just magnified these feelings over three days and how wonderful that was. My heartfelt thanks go out to you, John, Bill and Ken as well as the wives who made all of this possible.
I spent the following week visiting with friends that I worked with at the Longwood Schools. Just being on Long Island for awhile really gave me a boost.
I enjoyed getting to know Barbara a little better Saturday night after the reunion and seeing my old friend, Esther, from elementary school. I also especially enjoyed John Knight and meeting his wife. Thank you, John, for making the trip all the way from Wales!
All the best,
Joan Lalla Gerson
Photos in this section from Patricia M Lewis:
(Photo numbers in this section are local to this section only.)*
70- Ben Vitale, Camille Pelliccia (back of head)
57-69- Bill and Arlene Monteverde
56-68 - Pricillia Pierce, Pat Rath, Pat Lewis, Barbara King, Eleanor Edsall
55-59 - Judi Belden, Marge McMahon
54-54 - 2nd lady is Esther Landahl, Ginny Krause
53-53 - Ray and Cookie Gentner
52-50 - Karen and John Hall*

51-47 - Nancy Hill, Tony Prince, Carol Derby, Carol Rehman
50-46- John Cassese
49-45 This picture is of the 1962 ClassIn picture 45 - Vinny Coco, Jane Coco, Carol Derby, Harry Jackson, Carol Brooke,Pat Lewis, Bob Morstadt *
Sept 10 through 12, 2010
Judi Helps Identify Alumni in Photos!
48 - Priscilla Kolb, ?, Fern Coste 45 - ?, Mary Sempe Short, 44 - Tom Sabatelle, ? 43 - John Sclafani in the middle 42 - ?, Mary Sempe, Judi Belden, Priscilla's back 40 - Paul Albert, ?, Marilyn Giove 35 - John Sclafani, Bill Monteverde 34 - John, Bill, Kenny Muzzenegro 31 - Ed and Mary Sempe Short 29 - Tom Sabatelle, George and Carolyn Fields Tambini - Tom Parinelli way in the back 28 - Must be class of '61 since that is John Knight in the middle, Nancy Hill to far left, Kathy Moran beside John? 27 - Class of '60 - good heavens - left to right - front to back Joe Hoffman, John Cassese, ?, ?, Marilyn Giove (face turned), ?, Louise Celli, Camille Pellicia,?, Judi Belden (Peter Creedon behind me, Pauline Millevolte, Fern Coste, ?, ? And then it starts getting jumbled both in memory and people - John Thelman behind Fern, Kenny behind him in the back. Carolyn and George smack in the middle with Tom Parinelli in front of them and Ed and Mary Short behind them - Rocco Barrese behind George - Tom Sabatelle 2 to his right, 1/2 of Pat Bedell's face in front of him. Skip the woman on Tom Parinelli's right and you have John Sclafani and Paul Albert, I believe. Was looking for Pat Brida and found her left arm and left side of head far right 3rd row - (recognize her? lol) 18 - Carol and Nancy Hill 16 - Ah there she is full face - Pat Brida on the right 12 - Tom Parinelli, Peter Creedon, Priscilla Kolb, Pat Prince, Judi Belden 9 - ? and Louise Celli 7 - Look Marilyn Giove's face instead of the back of her head and Pat Bedell's whole face (in front of Tom Sabatelle) 6 - Bill and Arlene Monteverde 1 - Brenda Sichenzia and husband in foreground. That's all I can remember at the moment. Judi ;)
From Judi Belden:
Thanks to all of you who put this reunion together. I had a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Such fun to meet friends I hadn't seen, but certainly had thought of, in 50 years. And John Knight, Linda was grinning from ear to ear for a very long time after you talked to her. So thanks for helping make her a part of the fun, since like many others she so wanted to come. So you folks in Florida anything planned for next year. Two of the guys from 2012 are carrying the banner for their 50th. Louise Celli and I decided we NEED to go to Italy together next year. We have things to do. ;AAAA)
Judi ;)
Marie Santangelo Kirchgessner
You, Bill, Ken, and John did a wonderful job on the reunion. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Ben, could you please identify the people in the pictures for those of us who could not attend. I recognize some people, but certainly not all and only a few had name tags on.
Thank you.
Marie Santangelo Kirchgessner
Kathy McLaughlin Kumiega
The reunion sounds so terrific, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it.
You've done a great job on the Blog.
Kathy McLaughlin Kumiega
George Lacorte:
To my Classmates, I can still pick out about 20 to 25 of you from all the pictures that have been posted so far. I took out our year book and I am trying to jog my memory. If someone can put names down next to these photos, it would be very helpful. I know for sure that I have seen; Ben Vitale John Sclafani-[ Saints Seven ] Joe Singler Billy and Arlene Tom Parrinelli Pat Rath Brenda Sichenzia Fren Coste Mary and Eddie Priscilla Kolb Marilyn Giove Joan Lalla The rest is just a guess because you Women have gotten so Beautiful, and the Men have gotten to Gray!!! I should talk. I've attach a photo of Jill and I taken a few weeks ago. Hope to see You all again, and I am sorry We missed being with you at Our 50 th. Hope you all arrived home Safely. George
Joan Whitty (Stawicki):
To All:
It looks like you all had a wonderful time.......I'm sorry we missed it......hopefully, the next one It would be great to have some names with the pictures......I could pick out a few (in part, because they were at the Reunion we did here in AZ!!) There were a few others like Fern and John Cassese and Tom Parrinelli but many others I couldn't put a name to the face.
Ben has done a wonderful job at keeping us connected..........looking forward to the next "Happening"!!
Hope to see you soon..........
Joan Whitty (Stawicki)
Comment from Tom Parrinelli
Three fantastic and memorable days, all made possible by John Cassese, Bill Monteverde, Ken Muzzinegro,the wives of the commitee members, and this thing of Ben Vitale's which united us. Last but not least, to all the alumni who attended, without whom this reunion could not have been a success. THANK YOU
I knew that these guys had many talents, however being magicians was not one of them. The fashion in which they planned and executed each event was flawless.
It was great seeing everyone. Stay well.
Tom Parrinelli
Sept 10 through 12, 2010
From Joe Hoffman:
48 Priscilla Kolb, Joan Lalla Gerson, Fern Coste



Kathy Pomara (nee Moran), Mary Sempi Short

44 Tom Sabatelle

43 ?, John Sclafani, Tony Prince

42 - Cathy Moran, Mary Sempi, Judi Belden Priscilla's back' Judi Belden.

41- Ellen and Brian Brill

Paul Albert, ?, Marilyn Giove

39 Joe Singlar
Photo 38 Class of 1960
Nancy Kilgore with daughter Anna-Marie



35 -John Sclafani, Bill Monteverde

34 -John, Bill, Kenny Muzzenegro

32- John Cassese, Kate Cassese, Cecilia Hoffman
31 - Ed and Mary Sempi Short (Judi)
29 - Tom Sabatelle, George and Carolyn Fields Tambini - Tom Parinelli way in the back
Sept 10 through 12, 2010
Marilyn Dolson Bruce:
You must have had 100+ notes delivered to you by now. But obviously, add my name to the list
of folks who had a spectacular time on Friday and Saturday nights. Everything was organized
so well. Congratulations, and many thanks to you and the Spouses too.
Quoting the Suffolk song:
"A weekend of fun...
In the 6-3-1..."
Best regards,
Marilyn Dolson Bruce
Sachem '63
Louise Oneill:
Hi John,
Just stopping by to thank you and the committee for putting on a fun reunion. It was nice to see everyone again. i had a great time. We were having so much fun I forgot to get some e-mail addresses. Is there a list you can share with me?
Best, Louise*
From Fern Coste Spies:
You, John, Kenny, your wives and the entire committee did a phenomenal job putting those events together and having them take off the way they did. It was superb. Loved every minute and LOL.
From Pat Garrett Lewis:
*Photograph 28 - some of the class of 61.
From John Knight:
Starting far right: Mike Pomara - John Hall - Kathy Pomara (nee Moran) - John Knight (Wales.UK) - Arlene Monteverde (nee Owen) - Carol Rehman (née Byrne) - Nancy Hill. in the back row - Joan Lalla, Jerry Brandt - Esther Landahl. Barbara Gabrielsen is between Joan Lalla and John Knight.

27- Jane and Vinny Cocco

26 - Class of '60 - good heavens - left to right - front to back
Joe Hoffman, John Cassese, ?, ?, Marilyn Giove (face turned), ?, Louise Celli, Camille Pellicia,?, Judi Belden (Peter Creedon behind me, Pauline Millevolte, Fern Coste, ?, ?
And then it starts getting jumbled both in memory and people - John Thelman behind Fern, Kenny behind him in the back. Carolyn and George smack in the middle with Tom Parinelli in front of them and
Ed and Mary Short behind them - Rocco Barrese behind George - Tom Sabatelle 2 to his right, 1/2 of Pat Bedell's face in front of him. Skip the woman on Tom Parinelli's right and you have John Sclafani
and Paul Albert, I believe.
Was looking for Pat Brida and found her left arm and left side of head far right 3 (Judi)



Sept 10 through 12, 2010
John Hall:
I would like to thank the committee for selecting Bayard Cutting Arboretum as the location for the reunion. That location gave the attendees a chance to walk around and talk to friends we haven't seen in 50 years. I've always enjoyed having lunch there, now I'll have memories of the class reunion. To John and Kate Cassese who sparked my interest in attending the reunion, to me John was always the definition of 'gentleman'. Most of all to Ben Vitale who donates so much time and effort to the blog and keeping the communications open.
Thanks again John Hall
Ken Muzzonigro:
A day after and I have been able to collect my thoughts as a reunion participant. I spent Sunday afternoon & evening at home, not very up and not knowing why. Today I was able to collect my thoughts & feelings.
A - I was completely satisfied with the reunion, people, events
B - I was a little surprised at the number of attendees for all 3 events
C - I appreciate the opportunity I had to spend with former school mates
D - I was sad it ended and wished we had more time to share with all
Betty Bonicioli:
Enjoyed the photos of everyone enjoying themselves.
Look forward to some more.
Betty Bonicioli
Kevin Baack:
Great Pics! Just wish I could recognize more than 3 or 4 of you! Thanks so much to Ben Vitale for doing all the work on the blog, and making it easy for all of us to communicate.
Kevin Baack '60
*Camille Pelliccia:
Hi classmates and committee.
I just wanted to thank the committee, and there wives for the most wonderful events this past weekend.
I know you have worked endlessly organizing such a special event. The time and effort you put into these gatherings, surely paid off, seeing the happiness on the faces of our Graduating classes reconnecting with old friends. Everyone was looking good!!!
It was wonderful being 17 again!!! SO many nice conversations with some I haven't seen in 50 years or more. So special to speak of some of the moments we shared through the many years we attended Sachem.Im looking forward to seeing the photos on our Blog. ( I just have to get my Film Developed!) LOL.......Thanks Again...for a Job well done.....Memories were created...and we will cherish them forever.........
Camille Pelliccia
John and DIane Knight, Wales UK.Dear Ben,
I am unable to post any message on the blog and therefore I would be most grateful if you could post it for me.
At the outset, it would be remiss of me if I did not thank you, your lovely wife and the reunion committee for all your effort in organizing our reunion, never an easy job. When I became aware that the reunion was being arranged, I had no hesitation in making the necessary arrangements to fly from Wales in the UK to New York with my wife Diane. We attended the Friday and Saturday night events and it was quite simply wonderful to see my school friends after such a long time. To me, the ladies had not aged a day, and the guys still looked like the athletes I remembered from Sachem. When I arrived at Sachem in 1960 as a 14 year old and graduating in 1961, I had little idea how my future success in life would be influenced by that experience and for that I will always be grateful. I send my regards and best wishes to everyone and in particular the class of 61.
John and DIane Knight, Wales UK.
Sunday Breakfast Event at the Island Grill in Patchogue:
This third event of "Sachem Reunion 2010" was also a success!
21 - Pat Lewis
20 - Fern Coste Spies
19- John Cassese, Norman Neill
18 - Carol and Nancy Hill
17- George Gerson, Donna and Joe Singler, Vinny Cocco
Ah there she is full face - Pat Brida on the right (Judi)
Sachem Reunion 2010
Saturday Banquet at Bayard Cutting Arboretum:
This second event of "Sachem Reunion 2010" was also a wonderful success!
*12 - Tom Parinelli, Peter Creedon, Priscilla Kolb, Pat Prince, Judi Belden (Judi)
9 - Louise Celli, Ronny Lechowicz (Photo from Judi)
7 - Look Marilyn Giove's face instead of the back of her head and Pat Bedell's whole face (in front of Tom Sabatelle) (From Judi)
6 Arlene and Bill Monteverde (Judi)
1 - Brenda Sichenzia and husband in foreground. (Judi)
First of Three Sachem Reunion Events a Smashing Success
The poll taken by the Reunion Committee indicated that Forty Alumni intended to go to the Friday night "Ice Breaker Event" at the Holiday Inn, in Ronkonkoma. Bill and Arlene Monteverde, being Florida residents, have learned to be prepared for any eventuality; instead of buying a package of 50 Name Tags, they purchased the larger package of 100. Bill was amazed; he gave out 89 Name Tags! The size of our crowd was totally unexpected!
The management was monitoring and aware of the large growing crowd so they quickly opened another room for us. We actually had a better time in the room which was located outside of the Bar area because we were able to talk. Our Classmates thoroughly enjoyed conversing with friends that they have not seen for Fifty Years.
To add to the excitement, a Hotel Resident decided to light the Candles on a Birthday Cake while in his room; you guessed it, the Fire Alarm went off! We were instructed to vacate the Hotel. While outside the party continued! We conversed with even more of our old friends! The Fire Trucks came, the Firemen came, and in the midst of the commotion, we were still thoroughly enjoying each other's company! A truly memorable night!
As we get older, we develop what I call an augmentation of our normal senses! I find communicating with people more enjoyable because outside of Sight, Sound and Touch, an additional attribute to communications materializes. Unlike the tangible senses, we are now able to capture, nurture, and appreciate the unsaid emotion component of a conversation.
What did I discover about our Classmates? With age our Classmates have not changed at all; they react and interact in the same familiar way!
Our first Reunion Event was a smashing success!
(Left Click the Arrow to start the Video!)
The Happy Saga continues!
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